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ABCs of Heritage Lake: "L" - Lake Committee

Updated: Sep 21, 2022

ABCs of Heritage Lake

L-Lake Committee

Highlighting the Lake Committee for L this week seems perfectly timed. A HUGE THANKS goes out to the Lake Committee who worked tirelessly to organize all the details involved in putting together the wonderful Feast Ski-n-Fun that our community got to enjoy this past Saturday(originally posted on July 27th on Facebook). It was a Fantastic event and just one of the many things the Lake Committee works on throughout the year for the benefit of our lake community. I would personally like to thank Debbie Muehlenbein for sharing all details about the Lake Committee.

The Lake Committee of Heritage Lake was sanctioned by the Board of Directors to help with guidance for the health and safety of our biggest asset-Heritage Lake.

  1. The Committee is responsible for providing to the board the following- Lake Rules, the rules are reviewed annually by the committee and revised as needed, then sent to the board for their approval.

  2. Clean Water Team, a sub-committee of the Lake Committee, is responsible for scheduling the annual water testing and keeping up to date on the health of our Lake and ponds.

  3. Bass Tournaments are scheduled through the Lake Committee, then sent to the board for approval in the spring of each year. An entry fee is charged at each contest, and a portion of those fees are given back to the POA to help subsidize the funding of the annual fish stocking.

  4. The committee also helps with suggestions to the board on what fish are determined to be stocked in the lake, or if any are needed, annually.

The Lake Committee also provides various services and/or items to the lake upon request from either the POA or its members.

In the past, the Lake Committee has provided paying for security boat maintenance, purchase of a security boat, buoys with lights, common property dock bumpers, playground equipment, a swim raft at the clubhouse beach, donations to the POA for the building of the Marina and the marina dock parking. Also, ski lessons are provided to members, young or old, and can be scheduled through a few members of the Lake Committee.

The Lake Committee holds an annual fundraiser, Feast Ski-n-Fun. It’s a fun filled day of games and activities for the members. The day also includes food sales, a silent auction, merchandise sales, a ski show throughout the day, then ending the day with a band. The money raised from this fundraiser allows us to help pay for all the above-mentioned items. Heritage Lake merchandise is also sold at the Marina and Clubhouse to help raise funds as well.

The Lake Committee holds monthly meetings on the 4th Wednesday of each month, from March through October. The meetings start at 7:00 at the Clubhouse. At each meeting we discuss Clean Water/health of the lake and ponds, Bass Tournament results, treasurer’s report, and vote on old and new business, if any is scheduled. Show up at 7:00 on the 4th Wednesday at the Clubhouse and join in the meeting. We welcome any volunteers who want to become involved in helping keep our lake safe, healthy, and fun!

The Lake Committee chairman is Kent Hoops. His duties are to run the meeting and report meeting minutes to the POA board at the monthly meetings. He also discusses the needs of anything lake related with our manager to see where our funds raised should be spent.

Co-Chairman is Jim Muehlenbein, who fills in for the Chairman when he is unavailable.

Co-Treasurers are Mary Petruzzi and Kent Stevens, and their main duty is accounting of money raised and spent, and reporting to the committee. They also determine what items or merchandise to provide for sale at the Marina, which is one part of our fundraising. It’s a never ending task.

Secretary is Debbie Muehlenbein, and her duty is to take committee minutes and send out to the board each month.

Rick Miller is the HL Board Liaison for the Lake Committee.

All of our officers and members, who volunteer many hours, are an integral part of the committee to help make our Feast Ski-n-Fun a success each year.


The Lake Committee does a lot for our community. If you would like to get involved, I would encourage you to go to their meetings. Thank you all for your time and commitment to our community!!

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