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Marina Boat Parking planned for install

After months of discussion, many searches and evaluations the POA Board has a solution to boat parking at the Marina. New docks are planned to be installed by May 15.

Objectives included in the evaluation were sufficient parking to allow several boats to park while using the Marina, Restaurant, Beach and Park facilities. Other considerations were the location and safety of boats entering the area to get gas and preserving the swimming area.

The boat docking solution

The solution arrived at is an EZ Dock solution. Quality floating docking materials are used that have been evaluated for durability, stability and safety. Board members visited another lake where the docks are deployed and returned with favorable opinions.

The EZ Dock method uses docking in sections that may be assembled in ways resembling puzzle pieces or Legos, so the configuration we start with can be altered, if necessary, at minimal cost or effort when reconfiguring. The docking is durable enough that we’re told they are low maintenance in that they do not need to be removed from the water in winter.

How to pay for the docking

There is significant cost. The POA Board is still committed to the financial plan of rebuilding our cash reserves before taking on major new initiatives. Accordingly, when deciding how to pay for the docking, the Board decided to ask for donations to pay for the cost. Paul Forbes challenged his Board members to seek donations and offer signage in return for ‘sponsorships’. From this the idea was born to create a standing “Parking Fund” that we can seek donations for annually with the first focus for funds use being these docks. Donations to this fund then may be collected toward other expenses like Parking Lot maintenance and such things. The intent is to have such a fund to help avoid imposing more or higher fees to help pay for projects that our operational budgets with dues and existing fees cannot provide.

Your help is needed

We’ve built many amenities at our lake from contributions by generous donors. This is no different. It takes a proverbial village to obtain nice things. The need for fundraising for the new docks at the Marina is $52,000. We currently have more than $30,000 in pledges committed, so we will all have an opportunity to participate with donations to the fund. If you can give $250, $500, $1,000 or more please make checks payable to HLPOA with a clear memo for the Parking Fund and deliver to the POA office. We will have a plaque made for display at the Marina acknowledging donors.

Where will the boat docking be located?

We’ll be extending the existing dock by the gas pump around the point to about where the flag pole is located. The EZ Dock will then be extended from that shoreline area. This will allow foot traffic from the docks to walk on stable docking instead of through the grass to get to or beyond the Marina.

The Image of the docking shown here is a bit crude but gives an idea of what we will have when installed. The black lines extending from the dock at the gas pump is the proposed extension around the point.

The parking plans for 12 slips. They are intended for daytime and event parking only. No overnight or long-term parking will be allowed.

Sincere thanks to our donors so far! They will be properly acknowledged in future announcements.

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