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Writer's pictureRick Miller

Be Safe on the water this Memorial Day

With the holiday fast approaching, we'll see some of the busiest days of the year on our water. No one can properly express how important safety on the water is.

We currently have more than 1200 people who have passed the watercraft test for being permitted to operate a boat on our lake. In practice though, sometimes the fun overrides our thinking about our own safety and the saftey of others. So, the test helps, but in the end, YOU are the real answer to safety on Heritage Lake.

We have new Safety Patrol Officers on the water this year, and it would seem they are taking their job and responsibilities quite seriously.

They can and will stop you for rules violations and sometimes for a safety check to see that you have lights after sunset, life jackets adequate for people on board, and a fire extinguisher.

We don't want anyone to be hurt, and certainly don't want to spoil your weekend.

Please be safe out there AND be courteous to others including paying attention to what the wake from your boat is doing to others. If you've never had your pontoon swamped or your pet swept overboard, you can't know how frightening and disturbing that is.

Happy Memorial Day!

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Congrats to the scholarship recipients! Woo Hoo!

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