It is said that April showers will bring May flowers. In the case of the Garden Club, rain gardens are on the agenda. The April meeting will be held at the clubhouse on April 13 at 9:30am and the lesson will be a preview of our May 11 meeting which will be held in the evening. The May meeting topic of how to establish a rain garden on our properties will be presented by Jenna Nees. She is the Extension Education Ag and Natural Resources Co-ordinator with Purdue Extension Putnam County. The meeting will take place at the clubhouse. The time will be published next month. Watch this space.
Our March meeting welcomed Charyl Bessler as a guest and Dawn Kulaga as a new member. The Garden Club has been a part of Heritage Lake since 1991. We still have founding members attending our meetings. We would love to have you join us in continuing this tradition of making Heritage Lake a beautiful place to live.