Government Committee report 08092021
CCCD mtg 07152021
• With the recent heavy rain events, Conservancy once again reminds homeowners to install a back flow prevention device if not already using one
• Conservancy will soon begin dropping hazard trees on CCCD-owned lots. Free wood will be available to those who want to cut/remove from downed trees. Contact CCCD to seek permission and locations.
• 1533 account locations reported
County Commissioners mtg 07192021
• Beth Benedix, retired professor from Depauw, appeared before Commissioners to request financial support of $15k for a film project about the relationship between NP School Board and NP Community. Beth was approached by a well-known film director soliciting her to organize and tell about this positive story on rural America, aimed at general national audience. Decision TBD pending director approval of the project.
• PC Animal Shelter fundraiser for PC Animal Care and Control was approved for Sep 18th featuring music, vendors and dog show at the shelter
• Highway Dept announced intention to complete chip n seal work by end of August, meaning that the scheduled roads in JV should commence any time now for Grind/Double chip n seal
County Council mtg 07202021
• Council unanimously approved an ordinance directing the creation of a County Parks Board, now that the county is responsible for the portion of the National Heritage Trail turned over to the county by the non-profit People’s Pathways. The existence of this Board, coupled with a required 5-year plan, will allow the county to submit for Parks grant money from IN DNR.
• Council also approved 2 appointees to this board. 3 other appointees are to be named by Judge Headley (2) and County Commissioners (1)
County Commissioners mtg 08022021
• Long-term LH residents appeared before Commissioners with complaint of new drainage issues in their back yard due to land elevation change (about 3 foot increase) on new construction behind them. County attorney James Ensley advised that residents recourse would be through civil suit. There remains a question as to whether the elevation change was submitted to/approved by A/E committee.visitors
• Commissioners approved a nomination by Eric Freeman of the PC Convention and Visitors Bureau, Farrel Wyatt of Russellville.
• Highway Dept confirmed they would be moving road re-surfacing north in the next week.
• Commissioners announced new deliberation on possible county noise ordinance
• County courthouse custodian is to retire end October, county will advertise for replacement
• New GM and on-air personality of Giant.FM appeared to announce their new venture from same location on the square of 94.3 FM.
Drainage Board mtg 08022021
• Drainage Board members are the County Commissioners, self-appointed
• Board is researching any existing gov work/ordinance on county drainage, none known as yet
• Board may consider possible implementation of drainage tax assessment per parcel to fund the Board.
Upcoming Gov meetings to be covered:
BWWA quarterly mtg 8/12 at 10am, HL Clubhouse (Big Walnut Watershed Alliance)
CCCD monthly mtg 8/18 at CCCD office on the HL dam
PC Health Dept quarterly mtg Thurs 8/12 6:30 pm at PC Emergency Operations Center